An anthology of accounts of the miners strike by people from Hatfield, South Yorkshire. Compiled by Dave Douglass and published by Hooligan Press in 1986.

- Hatfield and the Villages.
- Welfare Organisation - Bob Hume
- Hatfield Main Womens Support Group - Elaine Robe
Stew Kitchens, Soup Kitchens and Dining Halls - Mick J. Mulligan - Reflections on Humberside - Brian Croucher
- Doing My Bit - Sue Knott
- A Bridge Too Far - John Greenhall
- The Bradford Link - Will Moore
- The Way I Saw lt - Mick Thubron
- The August Invasions
- Account of Invasion
- Adrian Simpsons Evidence
- Edith Simpson Interviewed
- The Strike Committee
- Children During The Dispute - Emma Douglass, Lisa Skillcorn, Nicola Milburn, Christina Young, Tammy Haver
- Poland, Spain and the Ugly Sisters - Alan Robe
- The Log Project - Brian Keenan
- Post Strike. The Links Continue.
- Local Shops
- The Strike Newsletter
- The Scab Watch Team - M. McGuire
- The Fate of Scabs
- Thorne and Moorends
- The Last Major Conflict
- The Way we Were - Kitty Holding
- The Second Invasion
- After The Strike
- The Shooting of Mac the Knife - Lenie Bembridge of Moorends
- Poems - I.K. Biggs
- The Withdrawal That Became a Surrender
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Great stuff, thanks for…
Great stuff, thanks for posting